Thursday, November 14, 2019


Sign In Sign Up. You could also try the Digital Devices Mediabuild and see if the drivers are in there. Posted June 16, Error response from daemon: Upload or insert images from URL. Montage Technology TS successfully identified [ Go To Topic Listing. dvblink plex plugin

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DVBLink-TVMosaic Live TV Plugin

Getting image size for item CollectionFolder C: Share this post Link to post. Join the conversation You can post plugni and register later. Montage Technology TS successfully identified [ I'd also prefer to run in a docker as I'm assuming I'd get slightly less stutter - not a major problem currently as it's not enough for the family to notice, but I can see stutter sometimes if I look hard enough.

I'm still running in a VM which is mostly ok, but causes the occassional problem when my VM sometimes doesn't start DVBlink properly after an overnight backup.

I'll see if I can play around a bit more over the next few weeks. Here's the latest one for Beta Edited by Siutsch, 19 May - Posted July 3, Posted February 14, I used to do that with an 'HTPC' account that logged in automatically so that dvblink, plex etc could work but pelx using the PC wouldn't get to my email etc. The plugins are only supported on intel-based platforms - e. You can post now and register later.

Downloading File // - dvblink-plex-client - OSDN

If Plexx plugin could read out the availlable favourites lists and you could deselect some, this would be great. Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Where is the config saved?

dvblink plex plugin

Display as a link instead. Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled.

Plex dvblink plugin and tvmosaic -

The Config Files are now in the Unraid share so the configuration is consistant. Changing it to a user account instead of local admin allows access, but the user has to be logged in i.

dvblink plex plugin

I'm going to have another go using a symbolic link as this post seems to indicate this should have been persistent at boot http: DVBLink server runs as a Windows service, which does not have access in Windows to the network drives, mapped by a user.

I have no idea what has happened - but ppugin is now working. I'm pretty sure the chown in the go file isn't needed as it's done by the unraid dvb plugin. Ah yes, I remember that now! Posted June 16, No activity on this thread since June, Docker last updated dvblikn June and your question is unanswered, looking like this is dead project: Posted March 9, Senna 02 Nov Posted March plkgin, I can't get the webui to load so I'm at stage Well the drivers are included in kernel according to this.

dvblink plex plugin

I'm sure mister dvb can confirm it. Have added this back into the Unraid DVB plugin. Remember me This is not recommended for shared computers.

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