Tuesday, December 3, 2019


It's easy enough to follow that trap, but for all the careful construction that seems to have gone into this series, the music ultimately didn't really fill the shoes of the concept. I used to think Memoria Vetusta II was the pinnacle of this phenomenon, reuniting the style of their early works with the relentless, lifeless in a good way industrial experimentation of the works which made them a household name in black metal. Yet it was so queerly gratifying that I made the mistake of not exiting the malevolent structure as swiftly as a frightened clergyman would. Maybe I just haven't suspended my disbelief enough, but maybe I shouldn't have to go to such lengths. And trust me there are moments in their discography that are as heavy as it gets. blut aus nord 777 cosmosophy

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Last part of the track feels like pure Desanctification, but the damage is already done. It's not a consistent release.

- Cosmosophy | Blut Aus Nord

Write your own review. Bandcamp Album of the Day Mar 23, MealannMay 26th, Regardless of the style Vindsval employs, the end result is bad.

Norf tracks are absolutely outstanding by any means, hooking the listeners from the first second until they end. It has to be the latter. This album however is without a doubt the most heavy sounding of all.

blut aus nord 777 cosmosophy

Out of the three volumes, this is arguably the eeriest; the strangest. It might as well be repeating the previous set of hymns, but with a shortage of resounding, artificial percussive pounding. For the first time, there is a little of growls. Because, sure, those albums I mentioned are strange.

– Cosmosophy - Wikipedia

The ones that love it and the ones that hate it. The swerving, choppy patterns of drum machine are distinctly industrial. More true cosmosopgy the "classical" black metal heritage, still pleasantly experimental and diverse. Atmospheric black metal flavored with ambiance and subtle layers of keyboards with trip-hopish drum samples in industrial and non-linear rhythm.

The leads are bright yet depressive, recalling goth rock acts such as Sisters of Mercy. It is telling me that the present set of hymns is nearing its end.

The clean-ish vocals and brief electronic elements might alienate some of the more tr00kvlt kiddies out there, but I can't help wondering why they keep listening to an explicitly experimental band if all they want is to hear yet another Transilvanian Hunger clone. Is it my identity? Usually when a band goes so far away from vosmosophy roots the fans are cosmosopuy in two fields. CrimsonFloydSeptember 29th, The dark-red ice is still coating the interior of the church.

blut aus nord 777 cosmosophy

My ears pick up on a fleeting bout of it in the sixteenth epitome, but 777 more! The first set of hymns accomplished such a feat though. Atmosphere is quiet, restrained, and never releases any aggression. Suppressed emotions that were tormenting the soul died away like an extinguished candle flame.

Blut Aus Nord – 777 – Cosmosophy Review

However, I will be honest and transparent. Am I to tolerate such a lulling tune, after having experienced the pulse-racingly apt contrast between the previous two sets of hymns?

Now, concept aside, since I have little to no way of knowing what went through Vindsval's mind while planning, designing and ultimately recording and releasing this trilogy, I can imagine it revolves around the philosophical deconstruction of religion, particularly Christendom, not very much unlike their countrymates Deathspell Omega. This is a path that very few individuals are able to follow, as it is demanding.

If you like Blut Aus Nord, you may also like:. Vindsval reads a manifest in French on top of a calm, yet slightly unpleasant ambiance. The most divine moment on here would be the guitar solo on "Epitome XVII" which feels as though you've completed enlightenment. At one with all — omniscient.

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