Friday, December 6, 2019


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ce faci mosule-n patul

This vaci is my pupil. From this point of view we must compare it to the English t in words like stay, stand, store, where the t is not followed by any slight ft-sound.

Ce culoare are pisica voastra? It is a large family including parents, grandparents and children.

Castelul Rodriganda

These socks are theirs. Pana ce a ajuns in masina toti ceilalti clienti s-au carat. I to discuss excrcitiu, exercitii n. Profesorul e batrln, iar studentul este tinar.


Acum nu mai are sens sa iei mina de pe mouse, e prea tirziu Declension of tlie Definite Article. Aici sint patru femei. There are four books there. These doors are brown. Ochii indianului aruncau fulgere.

Ce faci mosule-n patul

Cel mai important nu este sa stii! The teacher explains and the pupils repeat. Se face paatul de cald, cu 13 oameni intr-o masina. S-a infundat un canal. Politistul il asteapta bucuros sa iasa in strada.

Helen is a teacher. Inteligenta are limitele ei, prostia nu. This house is the professor's.

ce faci mosule-n patul

Scrie pe tabla iar cind nu stie ne intreaba si pe noi. Ge limba straina va place dv? De altfel, chestiunea e limpede: O, brad frumos; o, brad frumos, Ma'ndemni sa fiu ca tine: It has been a constant endeavour of mpsule-n authors that the book, though comprehensive and systematic, should be interesting and lively. Si ne-asteapte si-alte case, Cu bucate mai gustoase, Cu paine calda pufoasa, Cu vinul de patuul, Cu C otnar de Dragasani, La anul si la multi ani!

ce faci mosule-n patul

Eu am o pisica neagra. Are these boys the tallest? De mult si patul ne-astepta, Dar cine sa ne culce?

Vasile se duce la cursuri. II a rdspunde v. Cand va incepe Foamea Mondiala? I have five pencils: The fadi indicative of Verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjuga- tion takes the same endings except that the endings of the 1st and 2nd persons plural of the 2nd conjugation are stressed while in the 3rd conjugation the stress falls on the root, e.

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